Saturday, April 5, 2008

Not Another INTERESTING Day!

Interesting Entry to Budapest

To understand how INTERESTING our transfer to Budapest has been you will have to refer to our first INTERSTING travel day! New definition for INTERESTING (It’s time to get a real travel agent)

Our day started with a trip to the airport for a “quick” flight from Prague to Budapest. Checking in for our flight we discovered that Rabbi Dinner’s ticket was once again botched. This time she had two reservations. In and of it self that is not so interesting. However, it did not take much time for that not so interesting mistake to become INTERESTING. When our tour guide tried to check in he was told he had missed his flight because he had accidentally been scheduled for a flight earlier in the day. Seemed like an easy fix – since Rabbi Dinner had two tickets, she volunteered to give him one of hers. That was impossible the agent replied because the plane was full. He would have to purchase a new business class ticket.

After an hour of conversations between the local representative of our rapidly reaching the infamous status travel agency Ayelet, the Czech Air rep, the tour guide, and Rabbi Dinner, we learned some interesting airline doublespeak:
1) Rabbi Dinner’s two confirmed tickets were only good for one airline seat
2) Our tour guide could for a revised price receive a new business class ticket
3) Even though there were “no regular seats available” on the plane, the “business class seat” that our tour guide purchased happened to be right in the middle of the “regular class” section of the plane.
We considered ourselves fortunate because this time we didn’t even have to run to make our plane.

After an introduction to Budapest through the view at the City Park of their Statue of Liberty we headed to our hotel. Interestingly, (meaning isn’t this inconvenient) our hotel is located on a street that is under construction. That meant the bus had to park a block and a half away from the hotel. (luckily the hotel sent Strong Bellhop MEN to fetch our luggage). Interestingly, (meaning this is beginning to look more than just inconvenient) as we wove our way down the broken pavement to the hotel we noticed a building being reconstructed with lots of heavy equipment and all its accompanying noise and dust right next door to our hotel.
Interestingly,(meaning inconvenience is looking more and more like travel agent
the hotel Ayelet selected had no rooms with two beds, though all but four people on the trip paid for rooms with two beds. After having to miss Erev Shabbat services in the famous Dohaney Synagogue, and hours more of phone conversations with Ayelet and its local agents, four guests were transferred to another hotel, a few dark alleys (that we’re hoping won’t become interesting) away from the original hotel.
After an almost tolerable dinner of chicken nuggets and rubber beef, we had a lovely introduction to the Reform Jewish community of Budapest by Gabor, a congregation leader. Saturday morning we will be at the Jewish Community Center for the Reform congregation’s service. Then we have a free afternoon.
Interestingly, (meaning is some Greater Source trying to send us a message) the new hotel, wherein Rabbi Dinner is residing, along with her computer and access to uploading the blog, does not have a compatible internet connection with her computer. And the internet connection is completely down at the hotel where most of our group is staying.

Thank God, despite all of the interesting developments, our group is resilient and even still jovial. God willing (it is beginning to look like it will take Divine Intervention) we will be able to enjoy the rest of Shabbat and our touring in Budapest the next few days.
Singing on the bus

Marionettes in Budapest too!

Rabbis with Hermanuv Mestic Ministers

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