Monday, March 31, 2008

Interesting Start!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

It’s been nothing if not an interesting beginning to our journey! (Ha! Ha!) (Interesting, code word for “unexpected”).

We started this morning with some funny name changes on our plane tickets. Rabbi Dinner’s new moniker for the trip is Rabbi Dibber, and Betty Fried will go by Netty. Of course the Department of Homeland Security was not too fond of the fact that our passport names did not match the new names that Ayelet, our travel agency, had

Our Interesting Arrival in Prague

assigned to us. So, after much ado we have all reverted to our original passport names.

The name game was just to keep us diverted from the plane game. After we boarded and taxied down the runway for our New York flight the pilot stopped the plane and announced the plane was experiencing some difficulties. Sitting on the middle of the runway he informed us that airplanes today were very similar to computers, and he was just going to turn the plane completely off for a few minutes (like you do to fix your computer when it misbehaves) and then we would be on our way. Interestingly (code word for “unexpected to the pilot but not to the rest of us”) that did not work. We taxied back to the gate, thankfully were able to deplane, and two hours after our original departure time we actually took off. Just enough time to make our next flight, though the timing would be tight.

Interestingly, (code word for “are we really destined to make this journey?”) Ayelet, the travel agency, neglected to book the promised bus to transport us from LGA to JFK. Fortunately, our fearless leader Reb Raachel snagged two limousines and we were on our way. During our scenic ride, we received an interesting (code word for perhaps we should get a new Travel Agency, before we get to Europe) phone call from one of our fellow travelers who was to meet us at JFK. The scheduled itinerary that we all had received was erroneous. Our international flight would be leaving one hour earlier than Ayelet had told us.

With God’s grace, we arrived at JFK at 3:25pm, checked in, x-rayed all our bags, went through international security, and got on the plane at 4:00 pm, just as they were shutting the doors for our 4:10pm departure.

Even with all the “interesting” developments we have a jovial and excited group. Friday night’s service at Temple Beth Or, with the blessing for travelers and the Torah reading from our Hermanuv Mestec Torah, set the tone for the sacred journey that lies ahead of us. We have gotten wonderful coverage on WRAL all weekend. You can check it out at:

Yonat Shimron, from the News & Observer, has also begun work on a story about the trip that will be completed after our return.

These pictures are of the group who were blessed at our Shabbat worship service. We had hoped to add a few from the airport as well, but the “interesting” developments pre-empted that regularly scheduled program. There is one of our safely arriving, before our opening breakfast at the Prague Savoy hotel.

God willing, with a few less “interesting developments” the next blog will be after a good night’s rest and a wonderful day of travel in Prague!

Your Interesting TBO Travelers,

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